...óheyrilega gaman ađ fara í gegnum gamla tölvupósta. Rebekka var ađ senda mér ţennan:

Ég sver tíu fingur upp til hans ţarna uppi ađ ég meinti ekki eitt dónalegt korn međ ţessum tölvupósti en vinir okkar tóku ţessu afar undarlega:



From: Hulda Thorey - Annerley [mailto:hulda@annerley.com.hk]
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 6:34 PM
To: 'Alexandra Dickson Leach'; Rebekka Kristin; Pascale Vincent; 'Peter Stockdale'; 'Bjarki V Gardarsson'; Deb Taylor; 'James Lewis'; 'Karin Siegler'; 'Michelle Norman'; annasiggas@simnet.is; starrihk@gmail.com; 'Steindor Sigurgeirsson'; 'Peter Deacon'; 'Freyja STEINDORSDOTTIR'; 'Donna Watts'; 'Fiona Chinneck'

Subject: Our little cock...


…is homeless now that we moved to the boat. 

If anyone has space in their hearts to love him, he is the most adorable house pet.  He was supposed to eat all our waste food but he is a little picky and will only eat special food like couscous and Japanese beef.


We were told just to eat him when we could not keep him any longer but Steindor stood there with the axe for 2 hours last night and just could not blow.  When I fetched him at midnight, I saw him secretly wipe some tears away.  They are very close, him and the cock. 

So, you know how to reach me, <<...>>

Ps. He is the one in the middle.















....og svo komu svörin:

 Ayaaaa!  Hulda...i have locked the doors.  You will sleep in the chicken shed tonight.


Ouch,...Steindor this email thread is going to hurt more than getting rid of the bird...


Thanks for the offer Hulda, it is most appealing. But when I asked my wife if she&#39;d like to see the cock she pulled that face you get when you&#39;re swallowing a small amount of vomit in the back of your throat.
I guess the idea of waking up to the cock each day just doesn&#39;t have the appeal it used to.
Good luck with your search for a new owner. It&#39;s hard to sell an asset like this that is fully depreciated and has clearly seen better days.


 Can someone remove Starri (13yrs old) and Freyja (12yrs old) from this thread before we proceed with the negotiations on who gets the fowl. :)


Surprisingly we have some friends who are interested in your little sale item. However, they&#39;re concerned about how much room it will take up. I assured them, from what I&#39;d heard, that it is "smaller than average". Can you confirm?



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